Dream It, Live It!

So as Sunday Funday comes to  an end and  after watching this bollywood movie ” the 3 idiots” with my roomies I realized that living your life for yourself is what is going to make you truly happy and that it is what will bring genuine happiness to those around you too. And well growing up in a culture that strives on excellence and success, you may not always see eye to eye on what might be best for you.  But who’s really knows that, it’s just a risk I guess we all have to and see how it will play out.  if my best friend was reading this he’d say “well,  I told ya so” .. but anyways watching this movie got me thinking about what I want outta my life, and well to be completely honest, I don’t really know exactly. I’m going into my 4th year at uni studying health science, and hopefully i’ll go to med school one day. but I don’t really know if I want too.  I’m just in it because i didn’t know and well when it became decision time I followed my family’s advice. But then the question arises of what do I really want to do; what makes me happy? and well as vague as the answer is I don’t have a clue.  All I know is I have a passion for life, I want to live life, to have no regrets, make it as adventurous as possible. I want to inspire people, to bring a smile to anyone’s face i can and just to help. To bad volunteering isn’t a full time job or it would be my dream job.  As a kid I’ve always wanted to have my own T.V show, I thought and still think it would be so cool to captivate people for a little while each day and just embrace life for what it is and share mine with them.  Or I could just win the lottery and live each day like bad ass, that would pretty cool too.  I just want bring smiles and fill everyone’s life with happiness, i wonder if Santa has an assistant position available. Now that would be pretty awesome don’t cha think ! But I guess I still have the rest of my life to figure that out and well being a doctor i can help people still which is the realistic version of my crazy dream. And well I just want to give koodos to everyone who is living their passion and making their dreams a reality. I have this one friend who’s passion is flying and well now he’s turning his hobby, into his passion and he’s well on his way to turning it into a career. So proud of him to sticking to what he truly loves and what makes him want to get up every morning. And to everyone like me who doesn’t have it all figured out yet, do me a favour and don’t settle.  Settling sucks! trust me, I’m one of those people who has always settled because “I knew better” and have always done what has been expected of me. But if it’s something you truly love, it’s worth the fight, and at the end of the day if its something that makes you smile no matter how long or hard the day was, success will come to follow and those who had their doubts, won’t have them anymore. So don’t give up on your passion and live your dream!

If you can dream it, you can live it!

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